Ant is using wrong java version

Diogo Ribeiro picture Diogo Ribeiro · Jun 4, 2009 · Viewed 158.1k times · Source

I'm using Ant 1.7.0 and installed java 1.6 which is in JAVA_HOME.

I want to build a project using java 1.5, so I've exported JAVA_HOME to be my java 1.5 directory.

java -version

says "1.5". When I run Ant it uses java 1.6.


Lee Kowalkowski picture Lee Kowalkowski · Apr 15, 2011

Just had this issue, it happened because I'd first added the build file to the ant-view when the default JRE was 1.6.

There was no project-specific JRE and I changed the default to 1.5, even eclipse was running in 1.5, and JAVA_HOME was 1.5 too. Running the ant target from the command line used JRE 1.5, but within eclipse it still used 1.6.

I had to right-click the ant target, select Run As... and change the JRE under the JRE tab. This setting is remembered for subsequent runs.