From the book CLRS ("Introduction to Algorithms"), there are several hashing functions, such as mod, multiply, etc.
What hashing function does Java use to map the keys to slots?
I have seen there is a question here Hashing function used in Java Language. But it doesn't answer the question, and I think the marked answer for that question is wrong. It says that hashCode() let you do your own hashing function for Hashtable, but I think it is wrong.
The integer returned by hashCode() is the real key for Hashtble, then Hashtable uses a hashing function to hash the hashCode(). What this answer implies is that Java give you a chance to give Hashtable a hashing function, but no, it is wrong. hashCode() gives the real key, not the hashing function.
So what exactly the hashing function does Java use?
When a key is added to or requested from a HashMap in OpenJDK, the flow of execution is the following:
method.If the hash table size was chosen appropriately high, the number of collisions will be limited. Thus, a single lookup takes only constant time on average. This is called expected constant time. However, if an attacker has control over the keys inserted into a hash table and knowledge of the hash algorithm in use, he can provoke a lot of hash collisions and therefore force linear lookup time. This is why some hash table implementations have been changed recently to include a random element that makes it harder for an attacker to predict which keys will cause collisions.
| 32-bit value
| hash table
V +------------+ +----------------------+
HashMap.hash() --+ | reference | -> | key1 | value1 | null |
| |------------| +----------------------+
| modulo size | null |
| = offset |------------| +---------------------+
+--------------> | reference | -> | key2 | value2 | ref |
|------------| +---------------------+
| .... | |
| key3 | value3 | null |