jersey web service json utf-8 encoding

Jojje picture Jojje · Feb 20, 2012 · Viewed 84.5k times · Source

I made a small Rest webservice using Jersey 1.11. When i call the url that returns Json, there are problems with the character encoding for non english characters. The corresponding url for Xml ("test.xml" makes it utf-8 in the starting xml-tag.

How can I make the url "test.json" return utf-8 encoded response?

Here's the code for the service:

public class RestTest {   
    private MyDao myDao;

    @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML )
    public List<Profile> getProfiles() {    
        return myDao.getProfilesForWeb();

    public List<Profile> getProfilesAsJson() {
        return myDao.getProfilesForWeb();

This is the pojo that the service uses:

package se.kc.mimee.profile.model;

public class Profile {
    public int id;
    public String name;

    public Profile(int id, String name) { = id; = name;

    public Profile() {}



Dmitri picture Dmitri · Feb 20, 2012

Jersey should always produce utf-8 by default, sounds like the problem is that your client isn't interpreting it correctly (the xml declaration doesn't "make" it utf-8, just tells the client how to parse it).

What client are you seeing these problems with?

Valid JSON is only supposed to be Unicode (utf-8/16/32); parsers should be able to detect the encoding automatically (of course, some don't), so there is no encoding declaration in JSON.

You can add it to the Content-Type like so:

@Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON + ";charset=utf-8")