".android" folder and "debug.keystore" file missing

D3vil_Mind picture D3vil_Mind · Feb 11, 2012 · Viewed 36.9k times · Source

am using Linux opensuse, eclipse helios package

i have to import google maps in my application for which i need an API key, so in order to get the api key i need to get the MD5 sum value which has to be got by running the debug.keystore file using keytool

but the problem is my whole ".android" folder is missing including debug.keystore file.but all the projects a re running smoothly,am able to find it in windows xp, but not in linux(opensuse)

if so what i must do in order to generate a new debug.keystore file???


Android picture Android · Feb 11, 2012

Navigate to the .android folder in your home directory ~/.android (Linux,Mac OS) or C:\Documents and Settings\[User Name]\.android in Windows XP or C:\Users\.android in Windows Vista or Windows 7, and delete the debug.keystore file. Then go to eclipse and clean the project, this will create a new debug.keystore file with default validity period 365 days.

For Linux user: Delete your debug certificate (debug.keystore and ddms.cfg) under ~/.android/debug.keystore

For Windows user: Delete your debug certificate (debug.keystore and ddms.cfg) under
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\.android