Jstack and Not enough storage is available to process this command

tropikalista picture tropikalista · May 25, 2009 · Viewed 27.1k times · Source

I'm trying to run jstack command on my java application. Application is rather big, running inside jboss AS occupying about 4gb of memory. OS is Windows Server 2003 Standard edition. Every time i get an error "Not enough storage is available to process this command". There is enough ram, 16gb, and disk space. So, any ideas?


Eric McNeill picture Eric McNeill · Jun 11, 2010

I ran into this recently on Win2008r2 and thought I'd share my solution since it took a while to figure out. Rob's comment about psexec -s is what did it for me.

It appears that on Vista and later jstack doesn't work against services because of the user context. It has nothing to do with memory. I suspect this is the same reason people have seen this problem on 2003 via remote desktop, unless you use the /admin or /console switch on mstsc. As of Vista the tightened security is probably what broke it.

Starting my app from a cmd window worked fine, but that doesn't help me debug our standard install. Enabling the java debug port (for VisualVM, Eclipse or most any Java debugger) requires an app restart, so you lose the state you're probably trying to capture if you don't already have debugging enabled. Starting the service under my user credentials did not work - I was a little surprised at that. But psexec -s runs jstack from the system context, which worked like a charm. Oh, and you'll need to run psexec from an elevated cmd prompt, if UAC is on.