how do you get the phone's MCC and MNC in Android?

user108078 picture user108078 · May 20, 2009 · Viewed 58.2k times · Source

The only way I've found of retrieving MCC and MNC is by overriding an activity's onConfigurationChanged method, as such:

public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration config)
    DeviceData.MCC = "" + config.mcc;
    DeviceData.MNC = ""  +config.mnc;

However, I need this data as soon as the app starts and can't wait for the user to switch the phone's orientation or equivalent to trigger this method. Is there a better way to access the current Configuration object?


jargonjustin picture jargonjustin · May 21, 2009

The TelephonyManager has a method to return the MCC+MNC as a String (getNetworkOperator()) which will do you what you want. You can get access it via:

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    TelephonyManager tel = (TelephonyManager) getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
    String networkOperator = tel.getNetworkOperator();

    if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(networkOperator)) {
        int mcc = Integer.parseInt(networkOperator.substring(0, 3));
        int mnc = Integer.parseInt(networkOperator.substring(3));