CDI Injection of an EJB leads to NullPointerException

Philip Markus picture Philip Markus · Nov 17, 2011 · Viewed 9k times · Source

I am new to Java EE 6 and CDI. I have read a couple of tutorials and the weld documentation. However something that should work from my understanding doesn't so I need help.

I have the following situation. I created a Java EE 6 Application with NetBeans 7.0.1 using the maven archetype supplied with the IDE and I deploy to GlassFish 3.1 also supplied by the IDE.

The beans.xml is located in the META-INF directory of my EJB jar.

I have created a class that works soley as a producer class for my EJB Artifacts (and EntityManager)

public class EjbArtifactProducer {

    @PersistenceContext(unitName = "trackProfiler-PU")    
    private EntityManager em;

    private UserFacadeLocal userFacade;

    private AuthServiceLocal authService;

    private NewsEntryFacadeLocal newsEntryFacade;

    private RoleFacadeLocal roleFacade;

    private TrackCommentFacade trackCommentFacade;

    private TrackFacade trackFacade;

    private TrackTypeFacade trackTypeFacade;

    private WaypointFacadeLocal waypointFacade;

    public AuthServiceLocal getAuthService() {
    return authService;

    public EntityManager getEm() {
    return em;

    public NewsEntryFacadeLocal getNewsEntryFacade() {
    return newsEntryFacade;

    public RoleFacadeLocal getRoleFacade() {
    return roleFacade;

    public TrackCommentFacade getTrackCommentFacade() {
    return trackCommentFacade;

    public TrackFacade getTrackFacade() {
    return trackFacade;

    public TrackTypeFacade getTrackTypeFacade() {
    return trackTypeFacade;

    public UserFacadeLocal getUserFacade() {
    return userFacade;

    public WaypointFacadeLocal getWaypointFacade() {
    return waypointFacade;


I tried to apply the @Produces annotation directly to the fields an on methods as shown above.

However the following does not inject anything in another EJB

private NewsEntryFacadeLocal newsEntryFacade;

This is done in a stateless session ejb but when I try to access newsEntryFacade in any of my business methods a NullPointerException is thrown. So clearly no Injection is happening or my producers produce null references.

Am I missing something? Or should this work according to CDI/Weld?

Strangely it seems to work that way when I try to @Inject EJBs into the web application part (however i needed an extra producer class in my .war for this to work, is this as it should be?).

EDIT: The project works with an ant build (generated by NetBeans). Are there issues with the Maven archetype provided by NetBeans? It seems that with the Maven archetype there are some issues with CDI injection between the war and ejb modules. I found that if I had separate producers in the web and ejb module Glassfish generates a deployment error stating that there are two indistinguishable implementations of an interface. But when I remove the producer in the web module Weld complains that the EJB i want to inject into my beans in the web module cannot be resolved. Also with the Ant build EJBs can be @Injected without a producer while the maven build needs producer fields on a class. I can't explain how this could happen. After all the final deployment should be more or less equal, shouldn't it?


Jordan Denison picture Jordan Denison · Jun 22, 2012

If you want to use @Inject then annotate it as @Named @ApplicationScoped, otherwise use @EJB when injecting your singleton.