Java Database connection pool (BoneCP vs DBPool vs c3p0)

Stephane Grenier picture Stephane Grenier · Nov 8, 2011 · Viewed 20.3k times · Source

For a Java app outside of a J2EE container, which connection pool library is the best?

  • I heard c3p0 is getting outdated.
  • Jakarta's common pool library is no longer under development

Therefore I'm left with BoneCP and DBPool. From what I can tell both have limited activity. The main difference I can see is performance, which BoneCP seems to win out with. However the documentation is pretty weak.

Which database pool library have you used in the real world and why? What was the good and bad?


StaxMan picture StaxMan · Nov 11, 2011

At work we have used BoneCP (as the replacement for c3p0) and as far as I know haven't had any issues (I did not do the upgrade myself). From what I have seen and read it seems like a well-designed solid library, and I would personally use it over alternatives: it appears to be one of those "just works" libraries that are nice to have around.

Nothing negative to say about DBPool, I am just not familiar enough with it; although looking at its site documentation certainly seems like a plus.