I have a class which calls out to an existing web service. My class properly handles valid results as well as fault strings generated by the web service. The basic call to the web service looks something like this (although this is simplified).
public String callWebService(final String inputXml)
String result = null;
StreamSource input = new StreamSource(new StringReader(inputXml));
StringWriter output = new StringWriter();
_webServiceTemplate.sendSourceAndReceiveToResult(_serviceUri, input, new StreamResult(output));
result = output.toString();
catch (SoapFaultClientException ex)
result = ex.getFaultStringOrReason();
return result;
Now I need to create some unit tests which test all of the success and failure conditions. It cannot call the actual web service, so I was hoping there were mock objects available for the client side of Spring-WS. Does anyone know of an mock objects available for the WebServiceTemplate or any related classes? Should I just attempt to write my own and modify my class to use the WebServiceOperations interface vs. WebServiceTemplate?
Michael's answer is very close, but here is the example that works.
I already use Mockito for my unit tests, so I am familiar with the library. However, unlike my previous experience with Mockito, simply mocking the return result does not help. I need to do two things to test all of the use cases:
First, I needed to realize that I cannot mock WebServiceTemplate with Mockito since it is a concrete class (you need to use EasyMock if this is essential). Luckily, the call to the web service, sendSourceAndReceiveToResult, is part of the WebServiceOperations interface. This required a change to my code to expect a WebServiceOperations vs a WebServiceTemplate.
The following code supports the first use case where a result is returned in the StreamResult parameter:
private WebServiceOperations getMockWebServiceOperations(final String resultXml)
WebServiceOperations mockObj = Mockito.mock(WebServiceOperations.class);
doAnswer(new Answer()
public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation)
Object[] args = invocation.getArguments();
StreamResult result = (StreamResult)args[2];
Writer output = result.getWriter();
catch (IOException e)
return null;
}).when(mockObj).sendSourceAndReceiveToResult(anyString(), any(StreamSource.class), any(StreamResult.class));
return mockObj;
The support for the second use case is similar, but requires the throwing of an exception. The following code creates a SoapFaultClientException which contains the faultString. The faultCode is used by the code I am testing which handles the web service request:
private WebServiceOperations getMockWebServiceOperations(final String faultString)
WebServiceOperations mockObj = Mockito.mock(WebServiceOperations.class);
SoapFault soapFault = Mockito.mock(SoapFault.class);
SoapBody soapBody = Mockito.mock(SoapBody.class);
SoapMessage soapMsg = Mockito.mock(SoapMessage.class);
doThrow(new SoapFaultClientException(soapMsg)).when(mockObj).sendSourceAndReceiveToResult(anyString(), any(StreamSource.class), any(StreamResult.class));
return mockObj;
More code may be required for both of these use cases, but they work for my purposes.