I have a scenario where I have designed the NFA and using JFLAP I have converted it to DFA.
I need to know, how to code it in Java?
Basically how to implement those state transitions in Java. I have seen some examples which do this using switch and if statements, but I can't see any relation to DFA/NFA design and how to use it to implement in Java.
if you want to use a more object oriented design over while(true)switch(state){...}
public class State{
private Map<Character,State> transitions=new HashMap<Character,State>();
public void addTransition(char ch,State st){
public State next(char ch){
return transitions.get(ch);
private boolean fin=false;
public boolean isFinal(){return fin;}
public boolean setFinal(boolean f){fin=f;}
and then the loop will be
State currState=startState;
while(currState!=null && input.hasNextChar()){//you can also end directly when final state is reached
char next = input.nextChar();//get next character
currState = currState.next(next);
if(currState!=null && currState.isFinal()){
// reached final state
// to bad didn't match