BlazeDS and ArrayList of custom objects

KevMo picture KevMo · Apr 16, 2009 · Viewed 17.2k times · Source

I'm using BlazeDS to connect Flex with Java. I'm having trouble passing ArrayLists of custom objects from Flex to java.

I have two objects, one is called Category, the other Section. A Category has an ArrayList of Section objects. I can send an ArrayList of Category objects back and forth between Flex and Java, the problem is when I try to access the sections ArrayList of a Category object that has been returned to Java from Flex, I get the following error:

flex.messaging.MessageException: java.lang.ClassCastException :

For some reason I'm getting an ArrayList of ASObjects rather than my Section objects. I tried looking up how to explicitly type arrays in actionscript, but the only thing I could find was using a Vector object, which BlazeDS does not support. Is it possible to pass an ArrayList of Section objects within an ArrayList of Category objects, or do I have to find another way around?


CookieOfFortune picture CookieOfFortune · Apr 16, 2009

One of the most common complaints with AS3 is the lack of typed arrays. ArrayLists will only contain objects, you will have to cast the results yourself.

Here is an example of a Java and AS3 class that I would pass around.

In Java:

The top level class:

package mystuff;

public class StuffToSend
    public List<Section> sections;

Sections class:

package mystuff;

public class Section
    public List<Catagory> categories;

Category class:

package mystuff;

public class Category

In AS3:

package mystuff
    [RemoteClass(alias="mystuff.StuffToSend")] // So AS3 knows which Java class to map
    public class StuffToSend
        public var sections:ArrayCollection;

package mystuff 
    [RemoteClass(alias="mystuff.Section")] // So AS3 knows which Java class to map
    public class Section 
        public var categories:ArrayCollection;

package mystuff 
    [RemoteClass(alias="mystuff.Category")] // So AS3 knows which Java class to map
    public class Category

You can learn more about remoteObjects here: Data Access