How to analyse Websphere core*.dmp file and Snap*.trc files?

Ayusman picture Ayusman · Sep 9, 2011 · Viewed 35k times · Source

All, I have my application running on websphere app server 7.0. I get some of these core dumps and trace files like




My question is, just like the thread dumps generated by WAS can be opened and analyzed by IBM-Thread Dump Analyzer tool

is there a tool(s) to open the above mentioned files by IBM or any other?

Thanks, Ayusman


mike prendergast picture mike prendergast · Sep 13, 2011

the core dumps have to be processed by the jextract utility (of the jre that dumped) fromn my webspere root this is ./java/jre/bin/jextract.

The resulting output can then be proccessed by ISA

Snap files are proccessed by the java trace tool ie java [] [options] from for was v6

the output is readable

mike prendergast