How can I fix a Java-GUI-program (swing), that it works with awesome-wm?

Mnementh picture Mnementh · Apr 6, 2009 · Viewed 9.8k times · Source

The swing-UI of Java-programs doesn't work perfectly together with the awesome-wm. awesome is a window-manager for UNIX, that automatically resizes program-windows, and the Swing-UI doesn't recognize these resizes correctly. I don't care if awesome or Java is guilty, what I wanna know if I can change my Java-programs in a way, that they will work with awesome. So that users of my programs get the correct experience, even when they use exotic window-managers.


Myer picture Myer · Nov 9, 2009

Easiest workaround - get wmname from suckless and use it to set the name of the window manager to LG3D:

wmname LG3D

98% of the time this will fix the issue.