Jsoup Cookies for HTTPS scraping

Brian picture Brian · Aug 21, 2011 · Viewed 30.4k times · Source

I am experimenting with this site to gather my username on the welcome page to learn Jsoup and Android. Using the following code

Connection.Response res = Jsoup.connect("http://www.mikeportnoy.com/forum/login.aspx")
    .data("ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$ctl00$Login1$UserName", "username", "ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$ctl00$Login1$Password", "password")
String sessionId = res.cookie(".ASPXAUTH");

Document doc2 = Jsoup.connect("http://www.mikeportnoy.com/forum/default.aspx")
.cookie(".ASPXAUTH", sessionId)

My cookie (.ASPXAUTH) always ends up NULL. If I delete this cookie in a webbrowser, I lose my connection. So I am sure it is the correct cookie. In addition, if I change the code

.cookie(".ASPXAUTH", "jkaldfjjfasldjf")  Using the correct values of course

I am able to scrape my login name from this page. This also makes me think I have the correct cookie. So, how come my cookie comes up Null? Are my username and password name fields incorrect? Something else?



Igor Brusamolin Lobo Santos picture Igor Brusamolin Lobo Santos · May 10, 2012

I know I'm kinda late by 10 months here. But a good option using Jsoup is to use this easy peasy piece of code:

//This will get you the response.
Response res = Jsoup
    .data("loginField", "[email protected]", "passField", "pass1234")

//This will get you cookies
Map<String, String> cookies = res.cookies();

//And this is the easieste way I've found to remain in session
Documente doc = Jsoup.connect("url").cookies(cookies).get();

Though I'm still having trouble connection to SOME websites, I connect to a whole lot of them with the same basic piece of code. Oh, and before I forget.. What I figured my problem is, is SSL certificates. You have to properly manage them in a way I still haven't quite figured out.