Convert hex color value ( #ffffff ) to integer value

CQM picture CQM · Aug 4, 2011 · Viewed 113.7k times · Source

I am receiving hex color values from a server (in this form, #xxxxxx , example #000000 for black)

How do I convert this to an integer value?

I tried doing Integer.valueOf("0x" + passedColor.substring(1, passedColor.length())) to get an even more hextastic 0x000000 result, but this isn't intepreted as an int here, any other suggestions?

I receive an error: 08-03 21:06:24.673: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(20231): java.lang.NumberFormatException: unable to parse '0x00C8FBFE' as integer

I am using the Android SDK for their setBackgroundColor(int color) function, which takes - as you might have guessed - an integer color value.

This is the OPPOSITE of this question: How to convert a color integer to a hex String in Android?


CQM picture CQM · Jan 26, 2013

The real answer is to use:

Color.parseColor(myPassedColor) in Android, myPassedColor being the hex value like #000 or #000000 or #00000000.

However, this function does not support shorthand hex values such as #000.