I need a bit of wisdom from the stackoverflow.
I'm going to developp a GUI application which will process xml data via forms. I have selected two options : Java (swing or swt) or Qt.
I've already try a basic tutorial with both Qt (Qt designer) and Java (Eclipse). And I must admit that both will fill my needs.
The last question I have to solve is how painful will be the deployment ?
The end user is a non-tech, so the installation and update process have to be easy.
Java has the Java Web Start, with easy updating; Qt may be more "packaged" without the JVM need.
What do you think ? What are the pros and cons ?
Thanks a lot
I have done development with both technologies, and I must say that Qt is the better choice in my opinion. All of my experiences with QT have been enjoyable, I can not say the same thing about when using swing. As far as deployment is concerned, Java will probably be a little easier, but thats not to say that it will be hard with QT. You will probably need to do some recompiling and possibly porting.
Swing is a fine framework. Not my first choice, but it does get the job done. What I like about QT is that you get access to a bunch of libraries that makes development quicker and easier. If you go with QT then "Drink the QT Kool-aid" or else it will make development tougher. This means where ever possible, use the Q version over the c++ version because the framework inherently "understands" other parts of the framework e.g. QString, QVector, QObject.
What it really comes down to is how comfortable you are with each of the languages. If you like c++ go with QT, otherwise use swing.