How to write junit tests for interfaces?

Xeno Lupus picture Xeno Lupus · Jul 17, 2011 · Viewed 72.4k times · Source

What is the best way to write junit tests for interfaces so they can be used for the concrete implementing classes?

e.g. You have this interface and implementing classes:

public interface MyInterface {
    /** Return the given value. */
    public boolean myMethod(boolean retVal);

public class MyClass1 implements MyInterface {
    public boolean myMethod(boolean retVal) {
        return retVal;

public class MyClass2 implements MyInterface {
    public boolean myMethod(boolean retVal) {
        return retVal;

How would you write a test against the interface so you can use it for the class?

Possibility 1:

public abstract class MyInterfaceTest {
    public abstract MyInterface createInstance();

    public final void testMyMethod_True() {
        MyInterface instance = createInstance();

    public final void testMyMethod_False() {
        MyInterface instance = createInstance();

public class MyClass1Test extends MyInterfaceTest {
    public MyInterface createInstance() {
        return new MyClass1();

public class MyClass2Test extends MyInterfaceTest {
    public MyInterface createInstance() {
        return new MyClass2();


  • Need only one method to be implemented


  • Dependencies and mock objects of class under test have to be the same for all tests

Possibility 2:

public abstract class MyInterfaceTest
    public void testMyMethod_True(MyInterface instance) {

    public void testMyMethod_False(MyInterface instance) {

public class MyClass1Test extends MyInterfaceTest {
    public void testMyMethod_True() {
        MyClass1 instance = new MyClass1();

    public void testMyMethod_False() {
        MyClass1 instance = new MyClass1();

public class MyClass2Test extends MyInterfaceTest {
    public void testMyMethod_True() {
        MyClass1 instance = new MyClass2();

    public void testMyMethod_False() {
        MyClass1 instance = new MyClass2();


  • fine granualtion for each test including dependencies and mock objects


  • Each implementing test class requires to write additional test methods

Which possibility would you prefer or what other way do you use?


Ryan Stewart picture Ryan Stewart · Jul 17, 2011

Contrary to the much-voted-up answer that @dlev gave, it can sometimes be very useful/needful to write a test like you're suggesting. The public API of a class, as expressed through its interface, is the most important thing to test. That being said, I would use neither of the approaches you mentioned, but a Parameterized test instead, where the parameters are the implementations to be tested:

public class InterfaceTesting {
    public MyInterface myInterface;

    public InterfaceTesting(MyInterface myInterface) {
        this.myInterface = myInterface;

    public final void testMyMethod_True() {

    public final void testMyMethod_False() {

    public static Collection<Object[]> instancesToTest() {
        return Arrays.asList(
                    new Object[]{new MyClass1()},
                    new Object[]{new MyClass2()}