Large list returned from a SimpleJdbcTemplate query

Jean Logeart picture Jean Logeart · Jul 7, 2011 · Viewed 9.5k times · Source

here is my problem : at some point in my Java program, I get a (very) big List of Events from a database using the SimpleJdbcTemplate class from Spring.

List<Event> events = 
            new Object[] {

The problem is that the list may contain something like 600,000 Events ... Therefore using a lot of memory (and also taking time to be processed).

However I don't really need to retrieve all the Events at once. Actually I would like to be able to iterate over the list, read only a few events (linked to a specific KEY_ID - the sql query myQuery is ordered by KEY_ID), process them and finally get back iterating, letting the garbage collector get rid of the previous and already processed Events so that I never exceed a certain amount of memory.

Is there a nice way to do so using the Spring library (or any library)?

Cheers, Vakimshaar.


Nathan Hughes picture Nathan Hughes · Jul 7, 2011

I think part of your problem is that your query is executing all at once and you're getting the result set in a big lump that hogs memory and network bandwidth. In addition to needing a way to iterate through the result set you need a way to get the results back from the database a bit at a time. Take a look at this answer about lazy-loading resultsets. It looks like you could set the fetch size in combination with using a ResultSetExtractor and possibly get the desired behavior (depending on the database).