On our Linux system we use named pipes for interprocess communication (a producer and a consumer).
In order to test the consumer (Java) code, I would like to implement (in Java) a dummy producer which writes to a named pipe which is connected to the consumer.
Now the test should also work in the Windows development environment. Thus I would like to know how to create a named pipe in Windows from Java. In Linux I can use mkfifo (called using Runtime.exec()
), but how should I do this on Windows?
Use Named Pipes to Communicate Between Java and .Net Processes
Relevant part in the link
try {
// Connect to the pipe
RandomAccessFile pipe = new RandomAccessFile("\\\\.\\pipe\\testpipe", "rw");
String echoText = "Hello word\n";
// write to pipe
pipe.write ( echoText.getBytes() );
// read response
String echoResponse = pipe.readLine();
System.out.println("Response: " + echoResponse );
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block