I am trying to work with Eclipse Helios on my x64 machine (Im pretty sure now that this problem could occur with any eclipse) but it just doesn't cooperate.
When I try to run eclipse I get the following:
I have installed
I have linked my Environment Variables up correctly and tried to compile a Java file through cmd
and have succeeded.
Whenever I tried running eclipse i get exit code=13 (required java version=1.5)
I tried running the following in cmd:
-vm "mypath\jdk1.6.025\jre\bin"
command as forums suggested
as well as other paths
-vm "mypath\jdk1.6.025\bin"
-vm "mypath\jdk1.6.025\jre\bin\javaw.exe"
-vm "mypath\jre6\bin"
out of desperation
to no avail.
I am all out of ideas and I wonder if anybody had this problem. I even downloaded the helios x86 version and x86 JDK version yet it did not fix the problem. (I changed the environment variables) I changed everything back but I'm stuck...
Related Question: Cannot Run Eclipse
It turns out that a directory had an !
in its name and eclipse had a problem with that.
Once I switched the directory (from Desktop which is located in the user directory which had !
in it to C:/ ) everything worked fine. (look at the Djava.class.path in the image located in my the question above for the whole path - it should make it clear what the problem was)
Vista allows you to create a username that contains !
character and then a lot of programs have issues with it
If somebody is still getting this problem even though their path is ok I suggest
Thank you everybody that tried to help