I'm serializing Objects to XML with the help of XStream. How do I tell XStream to insert an xmlns to the XML output of my object?
As an example, I have this simple object I want to serialize:
public class Domain
private String type;
private String os;
How do I achieve exactly the following output with XStream?
<domain type="kvm" xmlns:qemu="http://libvirt.org/schemas/domain/qemu/1.0">
XStream doesn't support namespaces but the StaxDriver
it uses, does. You need to set the details of your namespace into a QNameMap
and pass that into the StaxDriver
QNameMap qmap = new QNameMap();
StaxDriver staxDriver = new StaxDriver(qmap);
XStream xstream = new XStream(staxDriver);
xstream.alias("domain", Domain.class);
Domain d = new Domain("kvm","linux");
String xml = xstream.toXML(d);
<qemu:domain type="kvm" xmlns:qemu="http://libvirt.org/schemas/domain/qemu/1.0">