I am reading a file via the BufferedReader
String filename = ...
br = new BufferedReader( new FileInputStream(filename));
while (true) {
String s = br.readLine();
if (s == null) break;
I need to know if the lines are separated by '\n' or '\r\n' is there way I can find out ?
I don't want to open the FileInputStream so to scan it initially. Ideally I would like to ask the BufferedReader since it must know.
I am happy to override the BufferedReader to hack it but I really don't want to open the filestream twice.
Note: the current line separator (returned by System.getProperty("line.separator") ) can not be used as the file could have been written by another app on another operating system.
To be in phase with the BufferedReader class, you may use the following method that handles \n, \r, \n\r and \r\n end line separators:
public static String retrieveLineSeparator(File file) throws IOException {
char current;
String lineSeparator = "";
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);
try {
while (fis.available() > 0) {
current = (char) fis.read();
if ((current == '\n') || (current == '\r')) {
lineSeparator += current;
if (fis.available() > 0) {
char next = (char) fis.read();
if ((next != current)
&& ((next == '\r') || (next == '\n'))) {
lineSeparator += next;
return lineSeparator;
} finally {
if (fis!=null) {
return null;