JDBC SQLServerException: "This driver is not configured for integrated authentication."

Shaul Behr picture Shaul Behr · May 22, 2011 · Viewed 104.9k times · Source

I am writing a "server-side extension" for SmartFoxServer (SFS). In my login script, I need to make a connection to MS SQL Server, which I am attempting to do using JDBC. I have tested the JDBC code in my debug environment, and it works fine.


When I put the server-side extension in the SFS "extensions" folder (as per spec), I'm getting a com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException:

"This driver is not configured for integrated authentication.".

I Googled for this error, and found that it's usually because the file sqljdbc_auth.dll is not in the system path; I have copied this file into a folder in my system path, and still it does not work!

Any other suggestions?


Pavan picture Pavan · Aug 21, 2017

When using Windows Authentication Integrated Security

  1. Download the sqljdbc_6.0.8112.100_enu.exe from Microsoft Site
  2. Install the exe (read the instructions in the zip path)
  3. copy sqljdbc_4.0/enu/auth/x64/sqljdbc_auth.dll to

    Java/jre7/bin and to


After this youj should be able to connect to hibernate tools to pull the database in Data Tools