How to show hashmap values in jsf?

Aram Gevorgyan picture Aram Gevorgyan · May 14, 2011 · Viewed 22.1k times · Source

I have bean "MyBean", which has property HashMap - "map" which values type is MyClass. I want to show some properties of map in jsf using ui:repeat. But these code:

<ui:repeat  var="var"  value="#{}" >
<td> <h:outputText value="#{var.value.property1}"></h:outputText> </td>
<td><h:outputText value="#{var.value.property2}"></h:outputText></td>

But this code didn't show anything. Though when I try to show hashmap values in jsp this way, it was succesfull. Where I am wrong? And how fix that?


BalusC picture BalusC · May 14, 2011

That's indeed a major pita. The <c:forEach> supported Map for long. Apart from supplying another getter as suggested by McDowell, you could also workaround this by a custom EL function.

<ui:repeat value="#{util:toList(}" var="entry">
    #{entry.key} = #{entry.value} <br/>

where the EL function look like this

public static List<Map.Entry<?, ?>> toList(Map<?, ?> map) {
    return = map != null ? new ArrayList<Map.Entry<?,?>>(map.entrySet()) : null;

Or, if you're on EL 2.2 already (provided by Servlet 3.0 compatible containers such as Glassfish 3, Tomcat 7, etc), then just use Map#entrySet() and then Set#toArray().

<ui:repeat value="#{}" var="entry">
    #{entry.key} = #{entry.value} <br/>