Generating a maven site including a Cobertura Report

Trampas Kirk picture Trampas Kirk · Feb 27, 2009 · Viewed 12.3k times · Source

I've got some projects that are already doing site generation via maven, and I want to integrate cobertura reports in them, but no maven goal I seem to run will generate a local preview for me to look at that includes the Cobertura reports in the site. I want to be sure they're generating correctly before I commit the pom changes to the repo and have broken site generated.

Below is what I've added to the maven poms (parent and module), but the site I see when I run mvn site:run does not include the cobertura reports:


What maven command should I use to generate the site with cobertura reports? Or, what should I add (additionally) to get the site generation to include the cobertura reports?


Alex Miller picture Alex Miller · Mar 1, 2009

Should do:

mvn site

To elaborate, running mvn a:b runs the goal b in plugin a. Saying mvn c means to run the lifecycle phase c, which runs all of the bound goals in all of the phases up to c. As a result, this will trigger a lot more things to happen (such as doing the necessary preparation to produce cobertura reports).