Can't read AppletViewer properties file - Applet

poorani picture poorani · Apr 18, 2011 · Viewed 28.8k times · Source

I created a Java applet program and compiled it. As a result of the compilation, it generated a class file. But, it showed the following warning message while running the applet with the command prompt using the appletviewer command.


Warning: Can't read AppletViewer properties file: C:eswaran_s.VMSPL\.hotjava\properties Using defaults.

When I run this command once again, it does not show the warning message, but the applet is not running.

How can I solve this issue?


the_critic picture the_critic · Nov 27, 2012

My solution to this problem was to simply (in Eclipse) go to Run-> Run configurations... and open the JRE card where I set Java SE to a newer installed version. (in my case from SE 6 to SE 7)