Speedup IntelliJ-Idea

Stefan K. picture Stefan K. · Apr 13, 2011 · Viewed 62.5k times · Source

I'm using intelliJ for Scala development and got 8 GB of new RAM last week, so I thought: time to use it. I checked my task manager and found intelliJ using ~250mb. From eclipse I knew that tweaking JVM options helped a lot in improving speed, so I googled ...

and found this one for OS X I couldn't find the JVM option immediately, so I started tweaking Xmx. At 1 GB, I realized it doesn't start any more. I checked the intelliJ java version, found it's outdated and 32bit.

So in order to use your current JDK and 64 bit you have to change your link to from:

IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 10.0.2\bin\idea.exe


IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 10.0.2\bin\idea.BAT

and adjust "Start in"

The bat looks for JDK_HOME and uses 64bit now.

My current VM Options, which are located in

...\IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 10.0.2\bin\idea.exe.vmoptions



Instead of -XX:+UseParallelGC, you can use -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC, which is

the accepted choice for desktop apps, but I have changed to the throughput collector recently. because with a fast machine and a small enough heap, you have quick pauses, more throughput and no issues with fragmentation (ijuma. #scala)


-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC //removed
// removed, because not needed with the lastest JVM.

I'll stick to these options for now. I would really like to know your experience with it.

Which options work best for you? How do I hide this cmd window while running intelliJ through the .bat? :)

By the way, here's another link for tuning intelliJ. Basically it says on p.20/21 to turn off windows restore and antivirus for system dirs.

Another way to speed up intelliJ is to put intellij system folder on ramdrive (thanks OlegYch|h).

from idea.properties 

See Superuser for Win 7 64bit RAM Drive or this one. 1 GB seems fine for me.

Another hint a friend gave me is to exclude the project directories from your antivirus (scan on access)

There are similar posts regarding tuning Eclipse:


adben picture adben · Jan 25, 2014

This combination works great on my Intellij13 running in Mavericks:

Updated Jul 18, 2017:

# custom IntelliJ IDEA VM options



I keep this setting updated at https://github.com/adben/config/blob/master/idea64.vmoptions