Stemming English words with Lucene

Mulone picture Mulone · Mar 22, 2011 · Viewed 59.6k times · Source

I'm processing some English texts in a Java application, and I need to stem them. For example, from the text "amenities/amenity" I need to get "amenit".

The function looks like:

String stemTerm(String term){

I've found the Lucene Analyzer, but it looks way too complicated for what I need.

Is there a way to use it to stem words without building an Analyzer? I don't understand all the Analyzer business...

EDIT: I actually need a stemming + lemmatization. Can Lucene do this?


arbc picture arbc · Nov 4, 2012

SnowballAnalyzer is deprecated, you can use Lucene Porter Stemmer instead:

 PorterStemmer stem = new PorterStemmer();
 String result = stem.getCurrent();

Hope this help!