I'm trying to write an app that helps you manage your finances. I'm using an EditText
Field where the user can specify an amount of money.
I set the inputType
to numberDecimal
which works fine, except that this allows people to enter numbers such as 123.122
which is not perfect for money.
Is there a way to limit the number of characters after the decimal point to two?
More elegant way would be using a regular expression ( regex ) as follows:
public class DecimalDigitsInputFilter implements InputFilter {
Pattern mPattern;
public DecimalDigitsInputFilter(int digitsBeforeZero,int digitsAfterZero) {
mPattern=Pattern.compile("[0-9]{0," + (digitsBeforeZero-1) + "}+((\\.[0-9]{0," + (digitsAfterZero-1) + "})?)||(\\.)?");
public CharSequence filter(CharSequence source, int start, int end, Spanned dest, int dstart, int dend) {
Matcher matcher=mPattern.matcher(dest);
return "";
return null;
To use it do:
editText.setFilters(new InputFilter[] {new DecimalDigitsInputFilter(5,2)});