How to map entity to table in Spring Data JDBC?

keddok picture keddok · Oct 30, 2018 · Viewed 7.8k times · Source

In Spring Data JPA we can map an entity to a specific table by using @Table annotation where we can specify schema and name.

But Spring Data JDBC uses a NamingStrategy to map an entity to a table name by converting the entities class name. For example, if we have the entity class named MetricValue then the table should be named metricvalue in default schema. But I need to map MetricValue to the metric_value table in app schema.

Is there any way to override this mapping by annotation or any other?


Jens Schauder picture Jens Schauder · Oct 31, 2018

Spring Data JDBC has it's own @Table annotation and also an @Column one.

You just add the annotation to your entity and specify the name as the value of the annotation.

To give some examples:

class MyEntity {

    private @Column("last_name") String name;

    @Column(value = "entity_id", keyColumn = "entity_index") 
    private List<SomeOtherEntity> someList;

This will read and write MyEntity into/from the table entity instead of the default my_entity. The attribute name will get stored in the column last_name. And the columns for backreferencing from the some_other_entity to entity will be named entity_id for the foreign key column which normally would be entity (the table name of the referenced table). And the list index will be stored in entity_index instead of the default entity_key.

I created an issue for improving the documentation.