Not sure how this is possible. I re-read up on getResourceAsStream and it's always returning null.
InputStream source = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("test.xml");
Right next to in the Finder (using OS X and Eclipse) is test.xml
I can open it in TextWrangler and view it as existing with data inside.
This is a Junit test if it makes any difference. I went and looked at existing Junit tests on our system and I'm using it in the exactly same manner as a working example (as in where the file is located and the code itself).
What small difference could there be preventing I assume getClass() from returning the right path?
It's not finding the resource on the classpath. If you are using junit and maven make sure the resources are copied on the target/test-classes by adding <include>
file directive on <testResource>
You can also find out the location of your class in the file system by using
and checking to see if the resource is there