I am trying to change the name of a node in my JTree. I use the following code to do so:
* Change the name of the currently selected node
* @param newName Name to change the node too
public void changeNodeName(String newName) {
//get the path to the selected nod
TreePath selectedPath = mainWindow.getStructureTree().getSelectionPath() ;
//make sure there is no other node with this name
DefaultMutableTreeNode node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) selectedPath.getLastPathComponent();
//change its name
This code works ok. So say I want to rename node b in the picture below to c. The code does it correctly as the pictures illustrate.
However, if I then drag the node and place it somewhere else in the tree, its name returns to the original name of b.
So obviously I am not changing something correctly here. How do I or what do I change so the nodes value stays changed?
I have a class which extends DefaultMutableTreeNode. Here is the source
package Structure;
import GUI.Window;
import Logging.LogRunner;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import javax.swing.JMenuItem;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.JPopupMenu;
import javax.swing.JSeparator;
import javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode;
import javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel;
import javax.swing.tree.TreePath;
* This class provides the basic functionality that all subclass of the structre
* will need such as a pop up menu, and adding new nodes.
* @author dvargo
public abstract class BCStructure extends DefaultMutableTreeNode
* The root node to which this class belongs
DefaultMutableTreeNode root;
* Reference to the main window
Window mainWindow;
* Name of this node
String name;
* The pop up menu
JPopupMenu Pmenu;
* The pop up menu intems
JMenuItem deleteMenuItem,renameMenuItem,newSectionMenuItem,newPageMenuItem;
* What type of node this is
String type;
* Basic constructor that adds a pop up menu, sets the name, and initalizes values
* @param newName - Name for this node
* @param inWindow - Reference to the main window.
public BCStructure(String newName,Window inWindow)
* Returns the type of node this is
* @return Page if the node is a page, Module if the node is a module, Section
* if the node is a section
public String getType()
return type;
* Returns a copy of this node
* @return
public abstract BCStructure copy();
* If this is a page, this constructor should be called, it will not allof a page to
*have any children
* @param newName - Name for the page
* @param inWindow - Refernce to the main window
* @param letChildren - False to disallow this node from having children
public BCStructure(String newName,Window inWindow,boolean letChildren)
mainWindow = inWindow;
name = newName;
//add the popup menu
* Updates a specific node
* @param parentNode The parent node to update
public void update(DefaultMutableTreeNode parentNode)
* Returns the node that is currently selected (by being clicked on) in the tree
* @return Node that is selected in the tree
public DefaultMutableTreeNode getSelectedNode()
return (DefaultMutableTreeNode)mainWindow.getStructureTree().getLastSelectedPathComponent();
* Returns the TreePath to this node
* @return The TreePath to this node
public TreePath getTreePath()
return new TreePath(this.getPath());
* Sets the selected node in the tree
* @param node The node to set selected in the tree
public void setSelectedNode(BCStructure node)
mainWindow.getStructureTree().setSelectionPath(new TreePath(node.getPath()));
* Change the name of the currently selected node
* @param newName Name to change the node too
public void changeNodeName(String newName) {
//get the path to the selected nod
TreePath selectedPath = mainWindow.getStructureTree().getSelectionPath() ;
//make sure there is no other node with this name
DefaultMutableTreeNode node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) selectedPath.getLastPathComponent();
DefaultMutableTreeNode nodeParent = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) node.getParent();
if(nodeParent != null)
for(int i = 0; i lt nodeParent.getChildCount(); i++)
DefaultMutableTreeNode currNode = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) nodeParent.getChildAt(i);
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(mainWindow,"Another page or section already has this name in this level. Please select another.");
//change its name
//mainWindow.getStructureTree().getModel().valueForPathChanged(selectedPath, newName);
* Adds a new section node to the tree
* @param newName Name for this node
public void addNewSectionNode(String newName) {
DefaultMutableTreeNode temp = getSelectedNode();
Section newNode = null;
if(temp == null)
LogRunner.dialogMessage(this.getClass(),"Please select a node to add this section to.");
newNode = new Section(newName,mainWindow);
catch(java.lang.IllegalStateException e)
LogRunner.getLogger().warning("You can not add a section to a page");
temp = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) temp.getParent();
//set the selected node to the previously selected node
if(newNode != null)
mainWindow.getStructureTree().setSelectionPath(new TreePath(newNode.getPath()));
* Adds a new page to this tree
* @param newName Name for the node
* @return The newly created page
public Page addNewPageNode(String newName)
TreePath oldPath = mainWindow.getStructureTree().getSelectionPath();
//Section newSection = new Section(newSectionName);
DefaultMutableTreeNode temp = getSelectedNode();
Page newPage = null;
if(temp == null)
LogRunner.dialogMessage(this.getClass(),"Please select a module or section to add this section to.");
newPage = new Page(newName,mainWindow);
catch(java.lang.IllegalStateException e)
LogRunner.getLogger().warning("You can not add any more nodes to a page.");
temp = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) temp.getParent();
return newPage;
* Propmpts the user to entere a new name for a node that is selected
private void rename()
String newname = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("New name?");
* Deletes the selected node from the tree
private void delete()
DefaultMutableTreeNode node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)mainWindow.getStructureTree().getLastSelectedPathComponent();
if(node == null) return;
DefaultMutableTreeNode parentNode = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)(node.getParent());
if(parentNode == null) return;
//remove node
* Deletes a specific node from the tree
* @param node The node to delete
protected void delete(DefaultMutableTreeNode node)
if(node == null) return;
DefaultMutableTreeNode parentNode = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)(node.getParent());
if(parentNode == null) return;
//remove node
* Adds the popup menu functionality to the tree
private void addPopUp()
Pmenu = new JPopupMenu();
newSectionMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Add New Section");
newPageMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Add New Page");
Pmenu.add(new JSeparator());
deleteMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Delete");
renameMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Rename");
//add actionlisteners to the menu items
deleteMenuItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
renameMenuItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
newSectionMenuItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
newPageMenuItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
//add action listener to the tree
mainWindow.getStructureTree().addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter()
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent Me)
Pmenu.show(Me.getComponent(), Me.getX(), Me.getY());
* Returns all the nodes in this tree from doing a left heavy recursive
* traversal of the tree from the given root
* @param root The root from which to start the search
* @return A list of the nodes
public ArrayList getAllNodesInOrder(BCStructure root)
ArrayList nodes = new ArrayList();
getAllNodesInOrderRec(root, nodes);
return nodes;
* Recursive function that gets the nodes in the tree
* @param currNode
* @param theNodes
private void getAllNodesInOrderRec(BCStructure currNode, ArrayList theNodes)
for(int i = 0; i lt currNode.getChildCount(); i++)
currNode.getAllNodesInOrderRec((BCStructure) currNode.getChildAt(i), theNodes);
And in the example above, the actual nodes you are seeing are a subclass of BCStructure called Page. This is the actual class that I am renaming.
package Structure;
import Components.BCFrame;
import Components.Basic.BackGroundImage;
import GUI.Window;
import Logging.LogRunner;
import XMLProcessing.XMLWriter;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeCellRenderer;
* This class is responcible for holding the components the make up a page and
* is accessible through the tree structure. In other words, this class is what
* actually makes up a page. It holds the componenets in an array, and since it
* node in a tree, it can be notified when it has been clicked, and load the
* compoenents it is holding.
* @author dvargo
public class Page extends BCStructure
* Holds all the componenets in the content pane so an action can be done on
* all componenets. Also sets the added component to the current component.
private ArrayList theComponents = new ArrayList()
public boolean add(BCFrame e)
return super.add(e);
* Self reference to this page
private Page selfReference = this;
* The dimensions of this page. It defualts to a medium page size
private Dimension pageSize = Window.NORMAL;
* This bages background;
private BackGroundImage background;
* Constructor that sets the node up in the tree and inializes values.
* @param newName - Name for this node
* @param inWindow - Reference to the main window
* @param inRoot - The section or module that is the root for this page.
public Page(String newName, Window inWindow)
super(newName, inWindow,false);
DefaultTreeCellRenderer renderer = new DefaultTreeCellRenderer();
ImageIcon theImage = new ImageIcon(new JFrame().getToolkit().getImage(getClass().getResource("/GUI/fileIcon.png")));
//set the background color to white, there will always be a background
background = new BackGroundImage(0,0,pageSize.width,pageSize.height,mainWindow);
//you must add this to the content pane to keep indexes correct. it will not display anything though
* Loads all the componenets held in the arraylist to to the screen.
public void loadPage()
//remove the background of the previous page
for(BCFrame currentComp : theComponents)
* Writes the componenets to file in XML.
* @param filePath - The path and name of the file to write.
public void save(String filePath)
XMLWriter theWriter = new XMLWriter();
for(int i = 0; i newComponents)
theComponents = newComponents;
boolean backgroundExists = false;
for(BCFrame curr : theComponents)
background = (BackGroundImage) curr; //make sure background isnt null
backgroundExists = true;
LogRunner.getLogger().severe("Could not find a background while setting the components, adding a new dfualt white one");
BackGroundImage bgi= new BackGroundImage();
background = bgi;
public ArrayList getComponents()
return theComponents;
I figured it out. If you notice in BCStructure, it has a value called name. Whenever I change the name of the node I did not update this value. Then if you notice in the copy() of the Page class, it uses this name variable. Copy gets used in the drag and drop process. If name was not updated, it would be using the old value which is why I saw the behavior I did. Kind of simple to see but hard to explain. Thanks all for your help.