Does Spring's JdbcTemplate close the connection if an exception is thrown?

aakoch picture aakoch · Feb 23, 2011 · Viewed 25.3k times · Source

When Spring catches an SQLException, does it close the prepared statement, result set, and/or connection before throwing it's own DataAccessException (runtime) exception?

I have a developer who wants to create an AOP aspect to catch these exceptions and log and/or close the connection.

@AfterThrowing(pointcut="dataAccessOperation()", throwing="exception")
public void doRecoveryActions(JoinPoint thisJoinPoint, DataAccessException exception) {
     // log and/or close connection


axtavt picture axtavt · Feb 23, 2011


That's the whole point of JdbcTemplate - it handles all kinds of boilerplate actions including release of all resources. See 12. Data access with JDBC.