When working with variables/parameters that can only take a finite number of values, I try to always use Java's enum
, as in
public enum BonusType {
As long as I stay inside my code, that works fine. However, I often need to interface with other code that uses plain int
(or String
) values for the same purpose, or I need to read/write from/to a database where the data is stored as a number or string.
In that case, I'd like to have a convenient way to associate each enum value with a an integer, such that I can convert both ways (in other words, I need a "reversible enum").
Going from enum to int is easy:
public enum BonusType {
public final int id;
BonusType(int id) {
this.id = id;
Then I can access the int value as BonusType x = MONTHLY; int id = x.id;
However, I can see no nice way for the reverse, i.e. going from int to enum. Ideally, something like
BonusType bt = BonusType.getById(2);
The only solutions I could come up with are:
to fill a map "int -> enum", then caches that and uses it for lookups. Would work, but I'd have to copy this method identically into each enum I use :-(.Both methods seem terribly awkward for such a simple (?) problem.
Any other ideas/insights?
A side-note:
As you correctly point out, the ordinal()
may be "unstable" from version to version. This is the exact reason why I always store constants as strings in my databases. (Actually, when using MySql, I store them as MySql enums!)