I'd like to assert that List<Achievement>
contains a member of type TestAchievement
Here's my assertion:
List<Achievement> achievements; // Populated elsewhere
This doesn't compile, reporting the error:
The method assertThat(T, Matcher) in the type Assert is not applicable for the arguments (List, Matcher<Iterable<TestAchievement>>)
What's the correct syntax for this type of assertion using Hamcrest?
Thanks for all the help.
The posts here suggested it was a defect with Hamcrest, so I headed over to the hacmrest site to register a bug, whien I discovered that the mvn / ivy dependency declaration I was using was out-of-date, giving me an old version of Hamcrest.
This bug exists with 1.1, which is the latest if declared using
<dependency org="org.hamcrest" name="hamcrest-all" rev="1.1">
However, the correct depedency declaration is:
<dependency org="org.hamcrest" name="hamcrest-library" rev="1.3.RC2"/>
Updating to this solved the issue. The syntax used in my test is:
assertThat(achievements, hasItem(isA(TestAchievement.class)));