I want to set a session attribute with the name that is send by user. User will first login in. And when he logged in I want that his username will set as session attribute.
What should I do?
This is my controller:
public String login() {
return "Login";
public String checkLogin(@ModelAttribute("users") Users user) {
if (userService.checkUser(user)) {
return "redirect:/"+user.getUsername()+"/";
} else {
return "Login";
public ModelAndView createuser(@ModelAttribute("users") Users user) {
if (userService.checkUser(user)) {
return new ModelAndView("Login");
} else {
return new ModelAndView("Login");
Now how I set the username as session which I am getting in user.getUsername()
In SpringMVC you can have the HttpSession injected automatically by adding it as a parameter to your method. So, you login could be something similar to:
public String login(@ModelAttribute("users") Users user, HttpSession session)
if(userService.authUser(user)) { //Made this method up
session.setAttribute("username", user.getUsername());
view.setViewName("homepage"); //Made up view
return new ModelAndView("Login");