I can't seem to get the instrument to change. I switch the value of the instrument but get nothing different on the output. I can only get a piano instrument to play no matter what value I try. Here is the simple code below. Does anyone have any suggestions? Or am I missing a fundamental of the instrument object?
import javax.sound.midi.*;
//import javax.sound.*;
public class Drum {
static int instrument = 45;
static int note = 100;
static int timbre = 0;
static int force = 100;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Synthesizer synth = null;
try {
synth = MidiSystem.getSynthesizer();
catch (Exception e) {
Soundbank soundbank = synth.getDefaultSoundbank();
Instrument[] instr = soundbank.getInstruments();
synth.loadInstrument(instr[instrument]); //Changing this int (instrument) does nothing
MidiChannel[] mc = synth.getChannels();
mc[4].noteOn(note, force);
try { Thread.sleep(1000); }
catch(InterruptedException e) {}
You need to tell the channel to use the instrument. I admit I've never used MIDI in Java, but something like mc.programChange(instr.getPatch().getProgram())
sounds promising.