Regarding this question, I've been trying to get this done via native modules in Android.
I've declared my Module at .../java/com/myproject/multiplecamerastream
following the example at React Native ToastModule (functionality here is not important):
public class MultipleCameraStreamModule extends ReactContextBaseJavaModule {
private static final String CAMERA_FRONT = "SHORT";
private static final String CAMERA_BACK = "LONG";
public MultipleCameraStreamModule(ReactApplicationContext reactContext) {
public String getName() {
return "MultipleCameraStream";
public Map<String, Object> getConstants() {
final Map<String, Object> constants = new HashMap<>();
constants.put(CAMERA_FRONT, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);
constants.put(CAMERA_BACK, Toast.LENGTH_LONG);
return constants;
public void show(String message, int duration) {
Toast.makeText(getReactApplicationContext(), message, duration).show();
Then, my module packager:
public class MultipleCameraStreamPackage implements ReactPackage {
public List<ViewManager> createViewManagers(ReactApplicationContext reactContext) {
return Collections.emptyList();
public List<NativeModule> createNativeModules(ReactApplicationContext reactContext) {
List<NativeModule> modules = new ArrayList<>();
modules.add(new MultipleCameraStreamModule(reactContext));
return modules;
I've been able to register it and to make it work. However, it only calls to a Toast in Android (no layout involved).
I'd like to set a layout, so when I call <MultipleCameraStream />
in JSX it renders a native Android layout, like the following:
/* .../multiplecamerastream/MultipleCameraStreamLayout.xml */
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
<TextView android:id="@+id/multipleCameraText"
android:text="Hello, I am a TextView"
<Button android:id="@+id/multipleCameraButton"
android:text="Hello, I am a Button"
How can I make that layout to be invoked from my module scripts (MultipleCameraStreamModule
), and how can I make reference to its elements so I can interact with them from the Android module side programatically?
Thank you.
There's explanation in the RN Native UI website itself, but I got lost in it too. :(
But here goes, let me know if there's improvement needed on this:
1) Create a View that will inflate your xml MultipleCameraStreamLayout.xml. Ideally, this CustomView can be used in Android pure code.
public class CustomView extends LinearLayout {
private Context context;
public CustomView(Context context) {
super(context);//ADD THIS
this.context = context;
public void init() {
//modified here.
inflate(context, R.layout.xxxxxxxxx, this);
2) Once set, put this into another class(View Manager) extending SimpleViewManager. Sample:
public class MyCustomReactViewManager extends SimpleViewManager<CustomView> {
public static final String REACT_CLASS = "MyCustomReactViewManager";
public String getName() {
public CustomView createViewInstance(ThemedReactContext context) {
return new CustomView(context); //If your customview has more constructor parameters pass it from here.
3) Now add it into the React package createViewManager method, you have created it in MultipleCameraStreamPackage. So, it'll be:
public List<ViewManager> createViewManagers(
ReactApplicationContext reactContext) {
return Arrays.<ViewManager>asList(
new MyCustomReactViewManager() //Add here.
4) You can now use the Android code, by reinstalling it
react-native run-android
5) Expose it in javascript. Create some file CustomView.js
import {requireNativeComponent, ViewPropTypes} from 'react-native';
module.exports = requireNativeComponent('MyCustomReactViewManager', null); //Add props are bit different.
6) Start using it into your views. Eg.
import CustomView from './CustomView.js';
render() {
<CustomView style={{height:200, width:200}}/>
Hope this helps.
If you need a code sample it's uploaded here.