I have View and one CircleShape , which should show toast in this View. And I use it in main Activity. This is my interface
interface OnClickListenerInterface {
fun onClick()
It is CircleShape( it is View in my xml) and listener in my View. I want to implement OnClick in my Activity.
var listener: OnClickListenerInterface? = null
mCircleShape.setOnClickListener(View.OnClickListener {
if (listener == null) return@OnClickListener
I know , that in Kotlin getters and setters generic automatics, but how I can set listener if it private. It is code from my Activity, but It doesn't work
CircleShape.listener = object :OnClickListenerInterface{
override fun onClick() {
How I should to use Callback, onClickListenere in Kotlin?
A more simpler solution by using lambda.
Inside CircleShape.kt, declare a lambda function.
var listener: (()->Unit)? = null
// When you want to invoke the listener
Inside your Activity
mCircleShape.listener = {
// Do something when you observed a call