Before you write me off, please consider that neither of these are answers to my question:
In IntelliJ IDEA 2017.2.6, attempting to add JDK9 as an SDK passes but does not work as the classpaths end up empty. Steps to reproduce:
In IntelliJ IDEA 2017.3 EAP you get an error about JDK classes not being found. See images below:
Command line compilation of HelloWorld example with jdk9 works as expected.
EDIT: Found an almost-duplicate: Intellij IDEA 2017.2 can't add openjk 9 on Linux Mint 18. Key differences:
EDIT: Another possible duplicate: intellij idea does not see java 9 standard classes
I did not understand the answer from the comments though. Tried setting different names for JDK (9 and 1.9) but it still did not show modules instead of classpaths and classpaths remained empty.
Current debian binary package openjdk-9-jre-headless 9~b181-4 contains incorrectly compiled lib/jrt-fs.jar file.
There are 2 filed issues separately on both idea youtrack and also ubuntu launchpad.
As it is indicated here:
Probable reason:
Classes in lib/jrt-fs.jar were compiled by Java 9 with options "-source 8"/"target 8". They should be compiled with "--release 8" option instead (or by Java 8)
A temporary workaround may be replacing /usr/lib/jvm/java-9-openjdk-amd64/lib/jrt-fs.jar with the one from Oracle JDK.
You may also try to recompile the openjdk-9 source using the advised option "--release 8".
Anyway I advice to vote up this issue on the above link to attract more attention by dev team.