Programming a touch screen application with SWING

tomericco picture tomericco · Jan 16, 2011 · Viewed 11.4k times · Source

I would like to know what events my buttons in the UI of my application should have listen to? To mouse click? And what about the pressing and releasing events? Are they the same while clicking via touch screen?

Thanks, Tomer


Stewart Murrie picture Stewart Murrie · Jan 16, 2011

Most touchscreens simply emulate a mouse, so if your needs are simple you don't need to do anything special - JButtons still fire ActionEvents, combo boxes still fire ItemEvents, etc. If you want to do anything fancy (multitouch, flick-scrolling, etc.) then you can use the regular mouse events (mouseClicked, mousePressed, mouseDragged etc.) and provide your own gesture logic, or take a look at the libraries suggested in the answer for this similar question.