Right now I'm following a tutorial for writing Data Driven Tests in Java. My IDE is IntelliJ Community Edition and following is my code
package utility;
import config.Constants;
import executionEngine.DriverScript;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Row;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFCell;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFRow;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFSheet;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
public class ExcelUtils {
private static XSSFSheet ExcelWSheet;
private static XSSFWorkbook ExcelWBook;
private static XSSFCell Cell;
private static XSSFRow Row;
//This method is to set the File path and to open the Excel File
//Pass Excel Path and Sheet Name as Arguments to this method
public static void setExcelFile(String Path) throws Exception {
try {
FileInputStream ExcelFile = new FileInputStream(Path);
ExcelWBook = new XSSFWorkbook(ExcelFile);
}catch(Exception e){
Log.error("Class Utils | Method setExcelFile | Exception desc: " + e.getMessage());
DriverScript.bResult = false;
//This method is used to write value in the excel sheet
//This method accepts four arguments (Result, Row Number, Column Number, Sheet Name)
public static void setCellData(String Result, int RowNum, int ColNum, String SheetName) throws Exception{
ExcelWSheet = ExcelWBook.getSheet(SheetName);
Row = ExcelWSheet.getRow(RowNum);
Cell = Row.getCell(ColNum, Row.CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK);
if(Cell == null){
Cell = Row.createCell(ColNum);
//Constant variables Test Data path and Test Data file name
FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream(Constants.Path_TestData);
ExcelWBook = new XSSFWorkbook(new FileInputStream(Constants.Path_TestData));
}catch(Exception e){
DriverScript.bResult = false;
//This method is to read the test data from the Excel cell
//In this we are passing Arguments as Row Num, Col Num & Sheet Name
public static String getCellData(int RowNum, int ColNum, String SheetName) throws Exception{
ExcelWSheet = ExcelWBook.getSheet(SheetName);
Cell = ExcelWSheet.getRow(RowNum).getCell(ColNum);
String CellData = Cell.getStringCellValue();
return CellData;
}catch(Exception e){
Log.error("Class Utils | Method getCellData | Exception desc: " + e.getMessage());
DriverScript.bResult = false;
return "";
//This method id to get the row count used of the excel sheet
public static int getRowCount(String SheetName){
int iNumber = 0;
try {
ExcelWSheet = ExcelWBook.getSheet(SheetName);
iNumber = ExcelWSheet.getLastRowNum()+1;
}catch(Exception e){
Log.error("Class Utils | Method getRowCount | Exception desc: " + e.getMessage());
DriverScript.bResult = false;
return iNumber;
//This method is to get the Row number of the test case
//This method takes three arguments(Test Case Name, Column Number & Sheet name)
public static int getRowContains(String sTestCaseName, int colNum, String SheetName) throws Exception{
int iRowNum = 0;
//ExcelWSheet = ExcelWBook.getSheet(SheetName);
int rowCount = ExcelUtils.getRowCount(SheetName);
for(; iRowNum<rowCount; iRowNum++){
if(ExcelUtils.getCellData(iRowNum, colNum, SheetName).equalsIgnoreCase(sTestCaseName)){
}catch(Exception e){
Log.error("Class Utils | Method getRowContains | Exception desc: " + e.getMessage());
DriverScript.bResult = false;
return iRowNum;
//This method is to get the count of the test steps of test case
//This method takes three arguments (Sheet name, Test Case ID & Test case row number)
public static int getTestStepsCount(String SheetName, String sTestCaseID, int iTestCaseStart) throws Exception{
for(int i=iTestCaseStart; i<=ExcelUtils.getRowCount(SheetName); i++){
if(!sTestCaseID.equals(ExcelUtils.getCellData(i, Constants.Col_TestCaseID, SheetName))){
int number = i;
return number;
ExcelWSheet = ExcelWBook.getSheet(SheetName);
int number = ExcelWSheet.getLastRowNum()+1;
return number;
}catch(Exception e){
Log.error("Class Utils | Method getTestStepsCount | Exception desc: " + e.getMessage());
DriverScript.bResult = false;
return 0;
My problem now is the following part:
public static void setCellData(String Result, int RowNum, int ColNum, String SheetName) throws Exception{
ExcelWSheet = ExcelWBook.getSheet(SheetName);
Row = ExcelWSheet.getRow(RowNum);
Cell = Row.getCell(ColNum, Row.CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK);
I don't know what to do now ... CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK is marked red and says "Cannot resolve symbol" and every step from my data driven framework is failing.
I tried to use it with
With this code I can execute my code, but my Framework does only the first step before crushing
Here is my Log
2017-10-16 13:19:50,093 INFO [Log] ****************************************************************************************
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2017-10-16 13:19:50,093 INFO [Log] $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Wikipedia_01 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
2017-10-16 13:19:50,093 INFO [Log] ****************************************************************************************
2017-10-16 13:19:50,093 INFO [Log] ****************************************************************************************
2017-10-16 13:19:50,094 ERROR [Log] Class Utils | Method getCellData | Exception desc: null
2017-10-16 13:19:50,094 INFO [Log] Opening Browser
2017-10-16 13:19:53,388 INFO [Log] Closing the browser
2017-10-16 13:19:54,069 INFO [Log] X
2017-10-16 13:19:54,069 INFO [Log] X
2017-10-16 13:19:54,069 INFO [Log] X
2017-10-16 13:19:54,069 INFO [Log] X
I hope someone can help me solve this problem, cause it is driving me nuts.
Edit: Before I added the "setCellData" part, the framework worked totally fine and every step was executed flawlessly. The error happend directly after that
with Row.MissingCellPolicy.CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK
And use your "regular" Row
import (for example: import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Row;
I was using v3.14, updated it to v3.17 and got the same error. Somewhere between these versions the CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK was packed inside a MissingCellPolicy enum, hence the error.