I try to create my first the test for a simple spring-boot controller but I get Handler: Type = null
. In browser code is work but a test fails. My App use spring-security. Please help me fix it an issue and understand my mistake. Thank You.
This is controller:
private final ItemService service;
public String getAllItems(Model model) {
model.addAttribute("items", service.getAll());
return "all_items";
This is a test.
public class ItemControllerTest {
private MockMvc mvc;
private ItemService itemService;
@WithMockUser(username = "user", roles = "user")//mock security.
public void whenGetAllItemsThenControllerReturnAllItems() throws Exception {
new ArrayList<Item>()
This is result log:
MockHttpServletRequest: HTTP Method = GET Request URI = /get_all_items Parameters = {} Headers = {Accept=[text/html]}
Handler: Type = null
Async: Async started = false Async result = null
Resolved Exception: Type = null
ModelAndView: View name = null View = null Model = null
FlashMap: Attributes = null
MockHttpServletResponse: Status = 403 Error message = Access is denied Headers = {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY], Strict-Transport-Security=[max-age=31536000 ; includeSubDomains]} Content type = null Body = Forwarded URL = null Redirected URL = null Cookies = []
java.lang.AssertionError: Status Expected :200 Actual :403
This is essentially a duplicate question that has been answered here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/38676144/388980
The solution is to import the @Configuration
class for your Spring Security configuration in addition to declaring @WebMvcTest(ItemController.class)
like this @Import(SecurityConfig.class)
(assuming your custom configuration for Spring Security is in a class named SecurityConfig
You might also find the discussion in Spring Boot's issue tracker helpful as well: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/issues/6514
The other option is to disable Spring Security as explained here: Disable security for unit tests with spring boot