Last month of so geocoder has started to fail every time with "grpc failed" error and I can't seem to be able to solve it. I've looked at grpc failed but it didn't really solve the problem.
For exampel the code
Geocoder geocoder = new Geocoder(context, Locale.getDefault());
addresses = geocoder.getFromLocation(lat, lng, 1); // Here if fails with "grpc failed"
I've had the same code for years, but it's just lately it has stopped working when I recompile the app and test on an emulator or real device.
If I compile against SDK 25, using build tool 25 it works on an emulator with SDK 25. But if I try on an emulator with SDK 24, 26 or any other SDK version, it will fail with "grpc failed". I've tried to create a new virtual device etc. but same problem.
I have no clue how to fix it and what the problem is.
Current setup: targetSDK/compileSDK 25, build tool 25.0.3, Android Studio 2.3.3, regular emulator. (I've tried other build tools and SDK versions, but problem still remains)
Any ideas?