Displaying unicode
character in java shows "?" sign. For example, i tried to print "अ". Its unicode
Number is U+0905 and html representation is "अ".
The below codes prints "?" instead of unicode
char aa = '\u0905';
String myString = aa + " result" ;
System.out.println(myString); // displays "? result"
Is there a way to display unicode
character directly from unicode
itself without using unicode
numbers? i.e "अ" is saved in file now display the file in jsp.
try to use utf8 character set -
Charset utf8 = Charset.forName("UTF-8");
Charset def = Charset.defaultCharset();
String charToPrint = "u0905";
byte[] bytes = charToPrint.getBytes("UTF-8");
String message = new String(bytes , def.name());
PrintStream printStream = new PrintStream(System.out, true, utf8.name());
printStream.println(message); // should print your character