Although this question has already been asked but I have an implementation specific doubt.
I am trying to print the top view of the binary tree and following is the complete code for it:
import java.util.*;
class Node{
int data;
Node right;
Node left;
Node(int data){ = data;
class Pair<F,S>{
private F first;
private S second;
public Pair(F first, S second){
this.first = first;
this.second = second;
public F getFirst(){return first;}
public S getSecond(){return second;}
class BinaryTreeTopView{
public static void printTopView(Node root){
if(root == null)
Queue <Pair<Node,Integer>> q = new Queue<>();
Map <Integer,Node> map = new HashMap<>();
Pair<Node,Integer> p = new Pair<>(root, 0);
I am storing nodes and the corresponding horizontal distances
in the form of a pair which then are being stored in the queue
to ensure level order traversal
Pair<Node,Integer> temp = q.peek();
} else {
Pair<Node,Integer> left = new Pair<>(temp.getFirst().left, temp.getSecond()-1);
Pair<Node,Integer> right = new Pair<> (temp.getFirst().right, temp.getSecond()+1);
public static void main(String[] args) {
Node root = new Node(1);
root.left = new Node(2);
root.right = new Node(3);
root.left.right = new Node(5);
root.left.left = new Node(4);
root.right.left = new Node(6);
root.right.right = new Node(7);
root.right.left.right = new Node(8);
root.right.right.left = new Node(10);
root.right.right.right = new Node(9);
root.right.right.left.right = new Node(11);
root.right.right.left.right.right = new Node(12);
It compiles fine but an exception is being raised at the runtime. Now I have been getting the following exception and I am unable to figure out what the problem is:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException:
Pair cannot be cast to java.lang.Comparable at java.util.PriorityQueue.siftUpComparable(
at java.util.PriorityQueue.siftUp(
at java.util.PriorityQueue.offer(
at java.util.PriorityQueue.add(
It's because Pair isn't implementing Comparable. Either implement it:
public class Pair implements Comparable<Pair> {
public int compareTo(Pair o) {
// ...
Or use Comparator in Your priority queue
Using Comparator ;
PriorityQueue<DummyObject> pq = new
PriorityQueue<DummyObject>(5, new DummyObjectComparator());
Define your Comparator :
class DummyObjectComparator implements Comparator<DummyObject>{
// Overriding compare()method of Comparator
public int compare(DummyObject s1, DummyObject s2) {
//some code