Im using Metro 2.0 and J2SE5. The application I have written does not know about the external WebService at compile time, it finds them at runtime based on a business logic XML file, therefore I perform a WSDL request.
The sample code I have written is as follows:
String wsdlServiceName = ...;
String wsdlURL = ...;
Document payload = ...;
final String nsURI = ...;
final QName serviceName = new QName(nsURI, wsdlServiceName + "Service");
final QName servicePort = new QName(nsURI, wsdlServiceName + "Port");
// Create service and the dispatcher for the SOAP message
Service service = Service.create(new URL(wsdlURL), serviceName);
dispatch = service.createDispatch(servicePort, SOAPMessage.class, Service.Mode.MESSAGE);
// Set timeouts
dispatch.getRequestContext().put("", 3000);
dispatch.getRequestContext().put("", 3000);
// Create the outgoing SOAP request
SOAPBinding soapBinding = (SOAPBinding) dispatch.getBinding();
request = soapBinding.getMessageFactory().createMessage();
SOAPBody requestBody = request.getSOAPBody();
// Invoke web service operation
SOAPMessage response = dispatch.invoke(request);
The timeout works correctly when the Web Service is invoked ( dispatcher.invoke(request) )
HOWEVER the WSDL is requested before the timeouts are set, and if the Web Service is not responding it takes 90 seconds before the connection is timed-out.
Is it possible to set the timeouts before the WSDL is requested ? You need a dispatcher to set the timeouts, but that is done AFTER the Service is created that requests the WSDL?! (ie. Service.create() )
Try the setting system property
but from Networking Properties it says it may not be supported for in future releases
However I would suggest to cache the WSDL and not access it remotely.
It is better performance wise especially if you are working with a WSDL that is not expected to change frequently.