How to configure Java Annotation Processor(s) in Eclipse?

Animesh picture Animesh · Apr 14, 2017 · Viewed 35.4k times · Source

I have successfully run annotation processor for CLASS level retention annotations via command prompt compiling using Java 8.

However, when I tried to configure the annotation processor in eclipse and tried to run it with "-proc:only" option, it didn't get effective.

I have included the Jar file containing the custom annotation processor class file into the Project Properties -> Annotation Processing -> Factory Path. I have also provided the -proc:only option in Project Properties -> Annotation Processing -> Processor Options, still the annotation processor isn't getting called when a class containing my annotation is executed.

Please help me identifying the required setting or mistake or additional step for running the annotation processor via eclipse.


sudhir shakya picture sudhir shakya · Jun 21, 2017

I was finally able to enable my own annotation processor by adding my jar file.

  1. Right click on the project and select Properties.
  2. Open Java Compiler -> Annotation Processing. Check "Enable annotation processing".
  3. Open Java Compiler -> Annotation Processing -> Factory Path. Check "Enable project specific settings". Add your JAR file to the list.
  4. Clean and build the project.

And it finally worked.