How to mock EntityManager?

Muhammad Hewedy picture Muhammad Hewedy · Nov 28, 2010 · Viewed 35.9k times · Source

I need to mock entity-manager to make testing service layer (in my case a session facade) to be independent of the underlying layer (which in my case is the entity-manager).

So how I can accomplish this? Should I use dbunit? Do I need easy/j(Mock)?


Koitoer picture Koitoer · Jan 14, 2014

I suggest to use Mockito Framework it is very easy to use and understand.

private EntityManager entityManager; 

If you want to use any method that belongs to entityManager, you should call.


When you run your test, any call previosly declared in the Mockito.when for the EntityManager will return the value put in the declaration..

Read full documentation here.