I'm using this technique to create a target platform for my Eclipse RCP projects: http://www.modumind.com/2009/09/01/creating-an-eclipse-rcp-target-platform/
The RCP SDK is downloaded directly using the software site. As for the delta pack, I manually downloaded it from website, and added the directory in the target definition file, which in my opinion is tedious when I want to upgrade the delta pack version next time.
Is it possible to download the delta pack using the software site too? Or at least do it in less manual and more maintainable approach?
Add a main eclipse update site to the target. Take care of the version. Then from this site choose the RCP target and Equinox target features. Make sure to check "Include all environments".
Example of update site: http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/updates/4.2
Here is the full answer to this question.
The DeltaPack is used to get platform specific artifacts so that you can export your RCP product for multiple platforms. See the next section for more information on the DeltaPack
The preferred way of getting the platform specific artifacts is to just add them to the target platform. There is no need to look-up and download the "DeltaPack" if you follow these instructions.
Open your product file and select the "Export" option. You will see that the "Export for multiple platforms" checkbox is available.
The DeltaPack is a distribution from Eclipse that contains platform specific files for all supported platforms and widget sets. It contains:
SWT Platform Layers
Various plugins to handle connection to the native OS widgets.
Various launchers (exe, cmd, etc..)
Files to launch Eclipse from the command line
Other platform specific plugins
Hooks into secure storage, native networking and native Eclipse filesystem hooks
In total there are some 70 plugins to support the complete range of supported operating systems (around a dozen).
You need it if you want to export your RCP application to multiple targets (a combination of OS/ARCH/WIDGETSET: e.g. linux/ppc64/gtk ). This is typically done from the product configuration file.
You can get it from: http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/
Click on any of the builds and look for DeltaPack. Please note that there are discussions on removing the DeltaPack and getting it the preferred way.
Open your product file and select the "Export" option. You will see that the "Export for multiple platforms" checkbox is available.